Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Recommended for you, The Journalist and photographer!

oleh: Desti Pratiwi


Many museum save a lot of skeletons, bones, and something unique. But, there is a museum which save many thing about journalism. It’s located on Jalan Antara No. 61, Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. The name is Graha Bhakti ANTARA Museum, but that is the new name. In past, the name of this museum is Kantor Berita YASHIMA/ DOMEI.

This building built in the beginning of 20th century. In this building, the proclamation which said by Soekarno announced to all Indonesian people. Not only in Indonesia, this building also announced to Australia and San Fransisco, America.

In this museum, we can see many type of typewriter. This typewriter used to write everything before the computer exist. In this museum, there are about more than three types of typewriter. And in this museum, we can see many kind of news which published in the past. Besides that, in it’s first floor, there is a gallery which used when there are a journalism photo exhibition.

This place is very recommended for you, the journalist, to learn about our journalism history. But, this museum not have a lot of thing to display. But don’t you worry because, there are a journalism photo exhibition in the first floor.(desti.)

2 komentar:

  1. I've been there, several times. very good, we become aware of the history of our country. and the vip things is : admission price was cheap :D

  2. this is really nice! Maybe when I have a chance to go to your country this is the very 1st place I'll go to, since journalism photographers amaze me, since I'm just a photographer I'm not good in words so I really can't point out the aspects of the photo I took. so yeah good job!
