Yogjakarta, if you heard that, you will remember about one thing, ya! Keraton Yogyakarta. This is one of indonesian heritage. this building still hold in the center of Yogyakarta.
in this "keraton" we can see how "sultan" life.
Keraton Yogyakarta has museum which save anything about "sultan" and anything about Yogyakarta.
For example, in it's museum, there is a toys and many spice which used when Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX has a power.
this keraton has a lot of thing about history and about something unique, the is a lot of awesome thing.
besides that, in this keraton, we will see an exotic architecture. Keraton, has a big sense of magical thing. for example, there is a lion statue, which forbidden to touch. If we brake the rule, something will happen to us.
every thing from this keraton, shows us that Indonesia is a multicultural country, Indonesia also good in architecture, have an interesting history, and it shows us that Indonesia is a big and a beautiful country.
BalasHapusYogyakarta is My Favorite city..
I love the Culture, I love the place, I love the History..
and I love the food!!!
keyko: never been there. ;((
BalasHapusswear to myself that i would go to Jogja VERY SOON!!
Nice lovely!!
BalasHapusJogja is my favorite city,the true Asia
and Keraton is very beautiful
hey, now jogja is my second hometown, i think jogja is a beautiful city, full of culture, indeed like what you write. there are a lot of wonderful thing in this city.jogja never ending asia :D
BalasHapuswow, very nice article.... :D
BalasHapushope i can visit that place again... :p
looking forward to go here..hope a.s.a.p... aamiiin
BalasHapusitu adalah tempat menyenangkan dan menenangkan,,
bener2 surga para fotografer,,,
banyak banget yang bisa di explore disana...
tapi sayang HI nya ga di explore..
explore yang HI nya juga des dan artikel ini bakal menjadi dahsyat(bukan inbox)
terus berkarya...
terimakasih kepada iman...
BalasHapusuntuk komentarnya dan sarannya..semoga bisa diperbaiki ke depannya.. :)
This is a really nice place, and I love how you mentioned a lot of the important places and some stuff that shows the history of this place.
BalasHapus"besides that, in this keraton, we will see an exotic architecture."
BalasHapusini slh satu definisi yg muncul klo googling "define: exotic" :
# alien: being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world;
# strikingly strange or unusual;
dan menurut kamus bhs indonesia, eksotis berarti:
(1) memiliki daya tarik khas krn belum banyak dikenal umum
(2) diperkenalkan atau dimasukkan dr luar negeri (tt mode, gagasan, dsb)
(3) bergaya asing; luar biasa; istimewa; aneh; ganjil
jd sy pribadi sbg warga negara Indonesia, menghindari menganggap tempat2 menawan di Indonesia -yang unik & menarik- sebagai tempat yang eksotis. sy lebih memilih menganggap tempat2 tersebut "memesona, mengagumkan, menawan, atau lainnya yang sepadan."
ini slh satu tulisan yg membedah penggunaan eksotis sedikit lbh dalam :
wah bangga deh sama Indonesia yg kaya akan budaya. Semoga Indonesia bisa makin dikenal dunia :3
BalasHapusSaya suka artikel ini.. Karena kebetulan saya orang jogja dan memang saya bangga dengan kebudayaan beragam yan kita miliki
BalasHapusJogja, i really love that place. Good article, nice explanation. And it's definitely one of a must visited place!