Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Keraton Yogyakarta. A big and beautiful one.

oleh: desti pratiwi

Yogjakarta, if you heard that, you will remember about one thing, ya! Keraton Yogyakarta. This is one of indonesian heritage. this building still hold in the center of Yogyakarta.
in this "keraton" we can see how "sultan" life.
Keraton Yogyakarta has museum which save anything about "sultan" and anything about Yogyakarta.

For example, in it's museum, there is a toys and many spice which used when Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX has a power.

this keraton has a lot of thing about history and about something unique, the is a lot of awesome thing.

besides that, in this keraton, we will see an exotic architecture. Keraton, has a big sense of magical thing. for example, there is a lion statue, which forbidden to touch. If we brake the rule, something will happen to us.

every thing from this keraton, shows us that Indonesia is a multicultural country, Indonesia also good in architecture, have an interesting history, and it shows us that Indonesia is a big and a beautiful country.

Exotic temple? yes it is Borobudur!

Oleh: Desti Pratiwi

Borobudur is a buddhist temple which located in Central Java. This temple is one of the world’s heritage. Borobudur has ten-terraces building . Iit’s first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages. This temple has a lot of relief which tell abour a story.

Borobudur is a kind of an exotic temple in Indonesia. From it’s statue, we can see how beautiful this temple. This temple explain to us, as an Indonesian people that we have a “big” work of art. It’s relief also explain something to us. Don’t forget that this temple is one of the world’s heritage. Borobudur shows us that Indonesian people who life in the past has a power, a briliant brain, a big magical thing and have a big sense of art.

From the top of Borobudur, we can see Central Java. We also can se how beautiful Maha Meru Mountain which is the roof of Java. This place is very recommended to you for spend your long holiday and recommended for you who want to learn more about Buddhist’s history, about relief, about the exotism of Indonesia. Proud to be an Indonesian, right?

Action for your vacation!

oleh: Desti Pratiwi


Skateboard is a kind of a sport you can do. Many boys do it because it is really cool to do. As the name, skateboard, this sport use a board which has four wheels. This board can coast the road with a few of energy.

In Bandung, there are a group who love skateboard. They always do that cool sport in Monumen Perjuangan. They come every Saturday from 4 pm until 6 pm. They make a rule while they play. They separated in two groups and they battle each other.

They should show any kind of style. They also use many material like an iron which used as a barrier. But, when you do that cool and fantastic style, you can get hurt. You can hurt when you fall down. Deni (16) a skateboarder said, “You can broke your leg when you fall. So, don’t forget about safety. Wear the helmet!”

Bora (19) said, their action in Monumen Perjuangan is to kill the stress, and they do that to exercise so they can do better and better. “Ya, I want to be a professional, so I do this to kill the stress and get more experiences.”

This place is very recommended for you if you want to take some relaxing time watching these boys in action. And highly recommended for who want to take some pictures. Do this during your vacation. (desti.)

Old equal to bored? Not Anymore.

Oleh: Desti Pratiwi


Museum, when we heard that word, we will think that it’s must about the old thing. And when we think about the old thing, we will think about a bored thing. Maybe we will think about bones, about skeleton, about something in the past. But, do you know that there is a museum which can function as a place to take an awesome pictures?

That’s right! It’s Fatahillah Museum, which is located in Kota Tua, Jakarta. This museum save everything about the old of Jakarta. In this museum you can see the real history, for example, you can see the jail, which used to jailed an anarchist when VOC had a power in this country.

But, somehow, the classic place make this museum different from the other. This place has a good view, the unique and old one. You can make this museum to take some pictures.
There are a lot of people who used this place to take their pre-wedding photos. This is awesome to take pictures in the old theme.

Piere, a tourist from Paris, said that this museum different from others. This museum, has a characteristic, and he said he never bored to see this museum. “I never bored to come to this museum because it has a characteristic, and even I lived in Paris where architecture is number one, I still love this museum because the architecture of its building. You, as an Indonesian have to protect this museum and make people around the world come and see this.” (desti.)

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Recommended for you, The Journalist and photographer!

oleh: Desti Pratiwi


Many museum save a lot of skeletons, bones, and something unique. But, there is a museum which save many thing about journalism. It’s located on Jalan Antara No. 61, Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. The name is Graha Bhakti ANTARA Museum, but that is the new name. In past, the name of this museum is Kantor Berita YASHIMA/ DOMEI.

This building built in the beginning of 20th century. In this building, the proclamation which said by Soekarno announced to all Indonesian people. Not only in Indonesia, this building also announced to Australia and San Fransisco, America.

In this museum, we can see many type of typewriter. This typewriter used to write everything before the computer exist. In this museum, there are about more than three types of typewriter. And in this museum, we can see many kind of news which published in the past. Besides that, in it’s first floor, there is a gallery which used when there are a journalism photo exhibition.

This place is very recommended for you, the journalist, to learn about our journalism history. But, this museum not have a lot of thing to display. But don’t you worry because, there are a journalism photo exhibition in the first floor.(desti.)

Candi Terindah di Dunia Ada di Indonesia

(Adinda Arifiah - 210110080034)

Kompleks Candi Prambanan

Kompleks candi yang sering juga disebut sebagai Candi Roro Jonggrang merupakan kompleks candi hindu terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahwa situs sejarah ini merupakan kompleks candi tercantik di dunia. (http://www.kapanlagi.com/a/old/prambanan-candi-hindu-terindah-di-dunia.html)

Kompleks Candi ini terletak di perbatasan Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan D.I.Yogyakarta. Foto di bawah ini adalah candi utama di kompleks candi ini.

Di dalam candi-candi di Prambanan ini, banyak terukir relief yang bercerita tentang kisah-kisah hindu legendaris. Ini contoh relief di salah satu candi.

Ini juga seperti relief monyet. Monyet merupakan hewan suci bagi orang Hindu.

Candi Ratu Boko

Di sekitar situ banyak terdapat situs lainnya yang juga mempunyai nama. Misalnya foto di bawah ini adalah foto situs Ratu Boko. Situs yang belum diketahui pasti apa fungsinya pada zaman dahulu terletak sekitar 3 km di selatan kompleks Candi Prambanan.

Situs ini tidak disebut candi karena dilihat dari sisa-sisa letak batuannya, ini diduga dulunya adalah sebuah keraton. Di situs ini juga terdapar gerbang masuk, pendopo, kolam pemandian, dan lain-lain, tidak seperti sebuah bangunan keagamaan seperti peninggalan Zaman Jawa Kuno lainnya.

Nama "Ratu Boko" sendiri merupakan nama ayah dari Roro Jonggrang.

Candi Sewu

Di sebelah utara Candi Prambanan ada juga Candi Sewu. Kata "sewu" yang berarti "seribu" diambil untuk nama ini berdasarkan legenda Roro Jonggrang. Candi ini bercorak Buddha, berbeda dengan Candi Prambanan. Candi Sewu merupakan candi buddha kedua terbesar setelah Candi Borobudur.

*nb: seluruh foto adalah dokumentasi pribadi

Padang dan Bukittinggi, Indonesia

(Adinda Arifiah - 210110080034)

Padang dan Bukittinggi merupakan kota yang terdapat di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Di sini, ada beberapa lokasi wisata yang terkenal dan menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Pantai Air Manis

Pantai Air Manis terletak di kota Padang. Di sini pemandangannya indah, banyak pepohonan yang menghiasi dan menambah keindahan lautnya.

Yang terkenal di Pantai Air Manis ini adalah batu Malin Kundang.
Malin Kundang adalah tokoh utama dalam cerita rakyat asli Sumatera Barat. Cerita rakyat tersebut mengisahkan tentang seorang anak yang pergi dari rumah untuk merantau. Namun, ketika sudah sukses, kaya, dan beristeri, ia lupa kepada ibunya. Ketika ia berlayar ke daerah asalnya dan menemui ibunya, ia malu mengaku di depan isteri bahwa perempuan tua yang menghampiri dirinya adalah ibu kandungnya. Kemudian sang ibu marah dan mengutuk anaknya tertimpa berubah menjadi batu.

Inilah yang konon adalah diri si Malin Kundang yang durhaka kepada ibunya. Tubuhnya yang menjadi batu masih dapat kita lihat dan memang batu ini berbentuk badan manusia yang seperti sedang tengkurap menyembah.

Foto di bawah ini juga konon adalah kapal Malin Kundang yang hancur dan karam. Tali-temali, guci, peti, dan lain-lain, juga masih dapat kita lihat di sana, semua mengeras menjadi batu.

Ngarai Sianok

Beralih dari kota Padang, di kota Bukittinggi terdapat jurang berkelok yang dinamakan Ngarai Sianok. Lembah curam ini merupakan garis batas kota dari selatan ngarai Koto Gadang sampai Ngarai Sianok Enam Suku, dan berakhir di Palupuh. Ngarai Sianok adalah objek wisata utama Sumatera Barat.

Di lokasi ini kita juga bisa "bermain" dengan monyet-monyet. Ketika kita datang dengan membawa sesuatu di tangan, monyet-monyet pasti langsung menghampiri. Mereka kira kita membawa makanan. Maka di sana dijual kacang kulit yang biasanya memang akan pengunjung berikan ke monyet-monyet yang berebut mengambil dari tangan.

Di lokasi wisata ini juga terdapat Goa Jepang yang dahulu digunakan para tentara Jepang sebagai tempat berlindung.

*nb: seluruh foto adalah dokumentasi pribadi